We don't leave the CBD (Central Business District, for those not familiar with Aussie parlance) that often, but this weekend we hopped on the trams and trains on all three days. Friday night we went to South Yarra for pizza and a movie (Junebug - I really liked it, Steven wasn't so sure). Saturday we headed over to Richmond for a lovely night with Sarah. And Sunday we had lunch with some guys in South Melbourne and wandered round the market. It's nice to get out. And (maybe I'm geting old) even nicer to come home again, have some quality time with a quality guy and enjoy slobbing out in my ridiculously comfy new
Peter Alexander pyjama bottoms. Sadly they didn't have the striped ones I wanted in my size, so I had to make do with the classic travel rug pattern - thankfully, they'll have a very limited audience.
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