Thursday, July 06, 2006


The Question I'm most Frequently Asked is "So what do you do all day?" Good question. The first thing to note is that, as I'm on a tourist visa, "employment is prohibited". They've got quite a nice ring to them, those three little words. Much nicer than "chocolate is prohibited", for instance. I still try and get up before Steven leaves at 8:30ish - and, er, mostly succeed. I have a cup of tea and some muesli and watch a bit of breakfast TV, while checking my email, flicking through The Guardian website and reading updates on other people's blogs. At some point I manage to tear myself away from both screens and go off to feed my other addiction - caffeine. Melbourne's blessed with a host of great cafes that make a mean coffee, and I'll while away the rest of the morning drinking a couple of 'flat whites' while writing my book. (Don't laugh. Yes, it's crap at the moment, but I'm hoping to make it better.) I might meet Steven for lunch or else head back to the flat. In the afternoon, I'll do a bit of blogging, read some of Lynda's manuscript (criticising other people's work is so much easier than doing your own!), though at the moment it's more catching up on Wimbledon. Then there's a bit of last-minute house stuff which might involve supermarket shopping, emptying the dishwasher and tidying up the day's debris. (Steven's a minimalist - I'm a messimalist.) And that takes me to 5:30 when my guy gets home. Hooray.


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