You win some

This time was far less depraved - it was a competition on Kerri-Anne, the goddess of Australian mid-morning TV, and I had to fill in the online form answering the question "Why is George Clooney such a distinguished actor?" in 25 words or less. Sadly, neither they or I appear to have kept a record of my brilliantly pithy reply, but it started off talking about his acting and ended up noting that he was quite easy on the eye.
As my name would have given me away as being of the same sex as Mr Clooney, I can confidently conclude that 'Mornings' is a bona fide officially gay-friendly show. (Having slagged off Channel 9's record a few entries ago, it's good to see they're not all bad.) Yay! Cue waving of rainbow flags and playing of disco classics as Kerri-Anne is escorted up to gay heaven by a group of buff scantily-clad angels.
I wouldn't have doubted it for a moment, of course. Kezza's obsession with shoes gives her away instantly as Friend of the Same-Sex-Attracted.
I think that is the funniest and strange story I have heard in ages! How exquisitely bizarre. Kerry Anne, George Clooney what got you motivated to enter this competition? hehe.
hahaha i love it. that is unreal.
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