Things you may not know about me
Not my own title, but that of a 'meme' for which my name has been put forward. My favourite bit of the whole thing was reading about what a meme is. (Though high-falutin' language aside, in this case it's basically the equivalent of one of those chain letter thingies people used to send round on the email.)
A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Choirboy (I started on £2 every 3 months)
2. Hospital basement delivery driver
3. Banana picker
4. Advertising copywriter
B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Grease
2. Star Wars. IV, V or VI. (Not that I'm dissing I, II and III, but I wouldn't watch them over and over.)
3. Singin' in the rain. Or High Society.
4. Back to the Future
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Bristol
2. Jerusalem
3. London
4. Melbourne
D) Four TV shows you love to watch: (at the moment)
TV here is almost impossible to watch - far too many commercial breaks and over-hysterical trailers. But I do love the following:
1. Rove - very funny chat show - the tiny Australian love-child of Chris Evans and Graham Norton
2. Kath & Kim - part of my education about Aussie suburban life
3. The Wedge - ditto
4. My Name is Earl
E ) Four places you have been on holiday:
1. Cambodia
2. Barcelona
3. Egypt
4. Frenchman's Creek (below)

F) Websites you visit daily:
I don't actually visit all of these daily.
1. Google
2. The Guardian
3. Apple (it came as the homepage and I can't bear to change it)
4. Wil Wheaton (the godfather of blogging)
G ) Four of my favourite foods:
1. Crispy duck pancakes
2. Cheese & tomato sandwich
3. Chocolate mousse
4. Seedless grapes
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
There's nowhere I would rather be right now.
I) Four Blogger friends I think will respond:
Apart from Dan who put me up for this, I don't really know any bloggers. Other than Steven, of course. Luckily, unlike their email counterparts, these things don't come with sub-clauses promising you bad luck, plague and pestilence if you don't pass them on.
A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Choirboy (I started on £2 every 3 months)
2. Hospital basement delivery driver
3. Banana picker
4. Advertising copywriter
B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Grease
2. Star Wars. IV, V or VI. (Not that I'm dissing I, II and III, but I wouldn't watch them over and over.)
3. Singin' in the rain. Or High Society.
4. Back to the Future
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Bristol
2. Jerusalem
3. London
4. Melbourne
D) Four TV shows you love to watch: (at the moment)
TV here is almost impossible to watch - far too many commercial breaks and over-hysterical trailers. But I do love the following:
1. Rove - very funny chat show - the tiny Australian love-child of Chris Evans and Graham Norton
2. Kath & Kim - part of my education about Aussie suburban life
3. The Wedge - ditto
4. My Name is Earl
E ) Four places you have been on holiday:
1. Cambodia
2. Barcelona
3. Egypt
4. Frenchman's Creek (below)

F) Websites you visit daily:
I don't actually visit all of these daily.
1. Google
2. The Guardian
3. Apple (it came as the homepage and I can't bear to change it)
4. Wil Wheaton (the godfather of blogging)
G ) Four of my favourite foods:
1. Crispy duck pancakes
2. Cheese & tomato sandwich
3. Chocolate mousse
4. Seedless grapes
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
There's nowhere I would rather be right now.
I) Four Blogger friends I think will respond:
Apart from Dan who put me up for this, I don't really know any bloggers. Other than Steven, of course. Luckily, unlike their email counterparts, these things don't come with sub-clauses promising you bad luck, plague and pestilence if you don't pass them on.
Well Dan m'boy, you are the first of the people I listed to complete the task I set.
Noice to see you getting into Aussie culture by watching Kath & Kim.
Dan xx
crispy duck pancakes? intresting.
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