Friday, June 02, 2006

First post

So there I was on my round the world tour, pretty much halfway round in fact. You must get in touch with Steven if you go to Melbourne, Lynda had said, so I did. Went for a drink on the Saturday, woke up at his place on the Sunday, met up again on the Monday and moved in on the Wednesday. Craig David could write a song about it.

The end result being that the second half of my travels is on hold for now. Hence I'm moving from the World Tour blog to the Melbourne blog. The other one was hopelessly behind anyways, so this way you can read about what I'm doing right now instead of what I did four months ago. It's also a good excuse to move from iWeb to Blogger. Much as I love the Apple (more of which later, no doubt) I've been craving a blogspot blog like everyone else has got. And now I have one.


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